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Julie & Elizabeth's Anti-Capitalist Concert Series
New Music and Discussion for Political Imagining
Julie & Elizabeth’s Anti-Capitalist Concert Series is a new music concert series founded by composers Julie Harting and Elizabeth Adams. The series started in 2015 in response to Occupy Wall Street.
We present music in a context that acknowledges our political, economic, and social realities. We are interested in programming music and conversation to stimulate thought and discussion envisioning an anti-capitalist future. The concert series is an experiment in sharing our legitimate questions about anti-capitalist struggle with our audience. Ultimately we would like our concerts to lead to collective action.
Probably the most unusual aspect of our concerts is that we ask the audience to participate in small group discussions, interspersing conversation between performances. We invite all of us to feel, think, and talk together about our future and collective action.
Previous concerts have centered around housing, wage labor, abolition, and income inequality. This year through a series of three concerts we will focus on collective envisioning of a post capitalist, egalitarian, free society.
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